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Fig. 3 | Epigenetics & Chromatin

Fig. 3

From: Chromatin accessibility and cell cycle progression are controlled by the HDAC-associated Sin3B protein in murine hematopoietic stem cells

Fig. 3

Sin3B−/− LSKs display defective stress hematopoiesis. A LSKs were sorted from Sin3BF/F and Sin3BH−/− mice 9 days after 5-FU administration (100 mg/kg, i.p.) and subjected to scRNA-Seq analysis utilizing the same strategy as in Fig. 1. n = 2 mice per genotype. B Sin3B+/+ and Sin3B−/− cells were able to be separated in our data based on hashtag oligonucleotide sequencing. C Quantification of different hematopoietic subsets at indicated conditions. D Monocle3 differentiation trajectory analysis of Sin3B+/+ and Sin3B−/− LSKs during a stress response. E Pseudotime analysis utilizing LT-HSCs as starting node for either Sin3B+/+ and Sin3B−/− LSKs. F Differential expression analysis was used to calculate modules of genes grouped together based on expression as a function of pseudotime. G Gene Ontology analysis for 100 genes in common. H Gene Ontology analysis for 136 genes unique to Sin3B+/+ LT-HSCs. i Gene Ontology analysis for 126 genes unique to Sin3B−/− LT-HSCs

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