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Fig. 5 | Epigenetics & Chromatin

Fig. 5

From: Expression analysis suggests that DNMT3L is required for oocyte de novo DNA methylation only in Muridae and Cricetidae rodents

Fig. 5

Inactive DNMT3B isoform is not likely to replace DNMT3L. a Dnmt3b/Dnmt3a oocyte expression ratio across mammalian species; the dotted line marks a ratio of 1. b Right: ratio of spliced reads that splice out the two exons that are spliced out in mouse inactive Dnmt3b isoforms to spliced reads that include the two exons. Exons are marked in their order from the 3’ end of the transcript. Left: technical information about data sets used for the analysis, from left to right—number of data sets analysed, whether the data sets are from single oocytes, whether total or polyA-selected RNA was used, whether the generated library is strand-specific, whether the library was sequenced single-end or paired-end, sequencing read length and average raw read count for spliced reads that include the two analysed exons. Two colours indicate different parameters if multiple sources of data sets were used (human and rhesus macaque)

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