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Fig. 3 | Epigenetics & Chromatin

Fig. 3

From: Age-dependent VDR peak DNA methylation as a mechanism for latitude-dependent multiple sclerosis risk

Fig. 3

Distribution of DNA methylation by genomic feature. a Violin plots of DNA methylation across various genomic features by cell origin and culture condition. Myeloid VDR peaks demonstrated DNA methylation that was skewed towards lower methylation levels in cells of paediatric origin in comparison to those of adult origin. The effects of calcitriol on DNA methylation distribution was not evident. b Methylation difference between cells of paediatric and adult origin at myeloid VDR peaks and transcription factor binding sites, showing skewing towards paediatric hypomethylation at myeloid VDR peaks, but not at transcription factor binding sites. A: adult, P: paediatric, N: no calcitriol, D: with calcitriol, 1 or 2 refer to adult or paediatric subject 1 or 2

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