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Fig. 2 | Epigenetics & Chromatin

Fig. 2

From: Non-canonical Drosophila X chromosome dosage compensation and repressive topologically associated domains

Fig. 2

Repressive TAD genes have a limited binding of MSL complex. a–i Chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) results from MOF binding (a–c), Histone H4K16 acetylation (d–f) and MSL-1 binding (g–i) are summarized as boxplots for Drosophila cell lines (Kc and S2). Gene-level ChIP signals are separately shown based on LAD (a, d, g), Hi-C (b, e, h) and chromatin occupancy (c, f, i) study results. j–o ChIP results from the third instar larval salivary glands. **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. No asterisk indicates p > 0.05. p, q Direct comparisons of MOF binding (p) and H4K16Ac enrichment (q) between female and male salivary glands from j–o. r, s The histogram represents expected numbers of overlaps between repressive TADs and MRE (r), or CES (s). We performed random shuffling of the X chromosome genome 2000 times and demonstrated the frequencies of the number of overlaps. Red lines: the actual number of overlaps between LADs and MREs or CES’s. p values are from permutation tests

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