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Figure 4 | Epigenetics & Chromatin

Figure 4

From: Dot1 binding induces chromatin rearrangements by histone methylation-dependent and -independent mechanisms

Figure 4

Tethered Dot1 disrupts telomere anchoring. (A) Telomere anchoring was measured in strain GA-1459. TEL VIR was visualized by binding of a GFP-LacI fusion protein to the Lac operators (indicated by green boxes). Subnuclear position was scored relative to the nuclear envelope tagged by a GFP-Nup49 fusion in approximately 100 to 300 nuclei. (B) Derepressor activity of targeted Dot1 at TEL VIR was measured in strains NKI1117 and NKI1118. (C) Localization data are represented in bar graphs as the percentage of spots in one of three concentric zones of equal surface. The dashed line at 33% corresponds to a random distribution. Spots observed in zone 1 represent telomeres localized to the nuclear periphery. (D) Two different statistical tests were performed. First, we tested whether telomeres targeted with LexA fusion proteins showed a random distribution over the three zones in the cell. Second, whether telomeres targeted with LexA-fusion proteins had a similar distribution to that of telomeres targeted with LexA alone. A significant difference for each Dot1 protein could be identified in at least one of the two tests. Asterisk indicates statistically significant differences (P < 0.05) from random telomere distribution (P(random)) or from telomere distribution upon LexA targeting (P(LexA)). The number of cells analyzed is indicated by n.

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