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Fig. 3 | Epigenetics & Chromatin

Fig. 3

From: Altered hypothalamic DNA methylation and stress-induced hyperactivity following early life stress

Fig. 3

Widespread alterations in DNA methylation within the hypothalamus following MMS using meDIP sequencing. 3 samples were sequenced per group. A Principal component analysis of differentially methylated regions shows distinct clustering of control (blue) and MMS (pink) groups. Principal components 1 and 2 accounted for 64% and 21% of variance in the dataset, respectively. B Heatmap of all DMRs throughout the genome with an FDR < 0.05, which are clustered by Euclidian distance. C Correlation map of control and MMS samples following meDIP sequencing clustered by Euclidian distance. D Catalogue of the DMRs associated with protein coding regions. Numbers indicate numbers of DMRs associated with that region. (E) Gene Ontology analysis of differentially methylated sites (FDR < 0.05) associated with protein coding regions. Terms for cellular component (pink), molecular function (yellow) and biological processes (green) are shown. Notably, there is enrichment of synapse-associated terms under cellular component and biological processes

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