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Fig. 6 | Epigenetics & Chromatin

Fig. 6

From: The histone and non-histone methyllysine reader activities of the UHRF1 tandem Tudor domain are dispensable for the propagation of aberrant DNA methylation patterning in cancer cells

Fig. 6

Molecular interaction analysis and theoretical modeling do not support a UHRF1–LIG1 interaction in cells. a Western blots for the indicated proteins following chromatin fractionation of HCT116 cells in the absence (−, empty vector control) or presence (+) of a LIG1 transgene. Total, whole cell extracts; chr, chromatin fraction; sol, soluble fraction. b IP of endogenous UHRF1 from HCT116 cells followed by western blot for LIG1 and UHRF1. c A competitive binding model for UHRF1 interactions with methylated forms of H3 and LIG1. Shaded regions show the range of approximate ratios for the methylated (purple) or unmethylated (green) binding partners of UHRF1

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