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Fig. 6 | Epigenetics & Chromatin

Fig. 6

From: Global distribution of DNA hydroxymethylation and DNA methylation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia

Fig. 6

Functional relevance of 5-hmC in regulating gene expression levels. a, b 5-hmC levels of selected 5hDMR genes in HG3 and MEC1 CLL cell lines respectively. TSH2B gene was used as the negative control for hMeDIP as provided by the kit. c Log10-fold change of 5-hmC and 5-mC levels of HG3 TET1/TET2siRNA samples over control siRNA samples d Log10-fold change of relative gene expression levels over GAPDH in HG3 TET1/TET2 siRNA samples over control siRNA samples. e Percentage of 5-hmC levels for sorted B-CLL samples compared to normal B cell samples using quantitative epimark 5-hmC and 5-mC analysis Kit. f Percentage of proliferation for NSMCE1, TUBGCP6 and TUBGCP3 siRNA transfected HG3 samples compared to control siRNA sample using MTT assay. *Indicates p < 0.05, **indicates p < 0.005 and ***indicates p < 0.0005

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