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Figure 6 | Epigenetics & Chromatin

Figure 6

From: Rapid genome-scale mapping of chromatin accessibility in tissue

Figure 6

Biochemical difference between Benzonase, Cyanase and DNase I correlates with TACh preference for GC rich regions. (A) Frequency of bases at the 5’ end of all aligned tags from chromatin digestion with DNase I (red) and Benzonase (0.25U/ml, 1U/ml, 4U/ml, greens). (B) Scatter plot illustrating tag density of DNase I and Benzonase-Cyanase unique hotspots relative to GC content of hotspots. (C) Box plot illustrating GC content of DNase I/Benzonase/Cyanase (common), DNase I unique and Benzonase/Cyanase unique hotspots. (D) GC content surrounding DNase I/Benzonase/Cyanase (common), DNase I unique and Benzonase/Cyanase unique hotspots. (E) Percentage of DNase I/Benzonase/Cyanase (common), DNase I unique and Benzonase/Cyanase unique hotspots harboring a CpG island. (F) Compiled sequenced tags from DNase I and Benzonase chromatin digestions, 2 kb up and downstream of previously reported FOXA2 and SREBP-2 binding sites in liver.

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