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Fig. 5 | Epigenetics & Chromatin

Fig. 5

From: Contribution of genetic and epigenetic changes to escape from X-chromosome inactivation

Fig. 5

XCI status calls are independent between neighboring variably escaping genes. a A map of a variably escaping region, with genes colored by their XCI status as predicted per sample, by our random forest model using all epigenetic marks available. The samples were clustered based on their XCI status calls within the region. Arrows indicate where each TSS is located, and they point in the direction of transcription. Genes which are colored as variably escaping here are variably escaping between transcripts and TSSs within a sample. b Metagene plots for the epigenetic marks that were most commonly significantly different between samples subject to XCI vs those escaping from XCI at the above variably escaping genes. Genes were chosen to show every combination of which mark is significant per gene, that we saw in this region. Marks that were significant at a gene are marked with a star

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