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Fig. 4 | Epigenetics & Chromatin

Fig. 4

From: The methylome of the marbled crayfish links gene body methylation to stable expression of poorly accessible genes

Fig. 4

DNA methylation, chromatin accessibility and gene expression variability. a ATAC signals around transcription start sites are shown for gene expression quintiles. b ATAC signals around transcription start sites are shown for unmethylated genes and for gene body methylation quintiles. c Metagene plot for chromatin accessibility around the transcription start site for housekeeping genes and non-housekeeping genes. d Correlation between DNA methylation and gene expression variation in hemocytes. Methylation rank 0 represents completely unmethylated genes. e ATAC signals for low-methylated (methylation level < 0.4) and f high-methylated (methylation level > 0.4) genes, and gene sets with different expression variability (stable: variability quintile 1 with low expression variability; variable: variability quintile 5 with high expression variability)

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