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Fig. 7 | Epigenetics & Chromatin

Fig. 7

From: Histone proteoform analysis reveals epigenetic changes in adult mouse brown adipose tissue in response to cold stress

Fig. 7

Housing temperature significantly alters histone H4 K16ac-containing proteoforms in brown adipose tissue. (A) Discrete K16ac PTM marks on histone H4 at different housing temperatures. (B) Histone H4 proteoforms from BAT from SC vs TN housing temperatures. Dot size corresponds to absolute percentage point change. Welch’s t-test was used for volcano plot data, with cutoffs of |1.5| for fold change and p < 0.05. Red dots represent both p < 0.05 and fold change >|1.5|; blue dots represent p < 0.05 and fold change <|1.5|; grey dots represent p > 0.05 and fold change >|1.5|; black dots represent p > 0.05 and fold change <|1.5|. (C) H4 < K12acK16acK20me1K31ac > proteoform abundance at different housing temperatures. (D) H4 < K8acK16acK20me3 > proteoform abundance at different housing temperatures. n = 4–5 per group. One-way ANOVA testing was conducted for all data comparing TN, RT, and SC housing conditions, and p-values are indicated in each plot. pp: percentage point. TN: thermoneutral. RT: room temperature. SC: severe cold

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